S7P6 – Being Christlike: identified
Philippians 2:11
and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
One day, no one will be able to deny that Jesus Christ is Lord. Every tongue will confess this objective truth. There will come a day when Christ will receive from everyone the acknowledgment of His identity, and the Father will make sure of it. Remember, it is God the Father who exalted Jesus Christ to this position. And the truth of Christ’s identity will be made known to all, to the Glory of the Father.
As we walk with Christ, our identity is found in Him. When our identity is found in Him, the Father makes sure that the world identifies us as such. This is why Jesus tells us that the world will hate us as it hated Him. This is why Jesus encourages us that He has overcome the world. This is why we are told to be in the world but not of the world. When we are walking like Christ, our identity in Him will be clearly disclosed to the world. They (the world) will know us by our love. How else could we lead them to Christ?
If the world recognizes me as a Christian, I hope it’s not because of a t-shirt and a tattoo. I hope it’s because the Christian countenance that God has imparted to me is shining through, like a lamp on a lampstand or a city on a hill. I hope it’s because I carry the selflessness, humility and obedience of Christ. I hope it’s because I proudly carry the identity of Jesus Christ by word and deed. Father, help us to recognize our identity in Christ and praise You for all that it brings, and to carry that identity faithfully.