S21P31 – Portraits of faith: Isaiah

Isaiah 6:8
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

It takes great faith to take on a job for God before we know what it is. That faith comes from a place of trusting what God says about himself, that he is a good Father who loves and cares for his children. If that is the case, then we will trust him no matter the circumstance. Today’s passage gives us a glimpse into one of the stumbling blocks to that kind of faith. The challenges that God places before us likely will not come about as Isaiah’s did, up in the heavens before God himself seated upon his throne. Perhaps it is the absence of this kind of vision that stands in the way of us exhibiting this kind of faith.

When we read Isaiah’s description of the throne room, one thing stands out. The experience was completely overwhelming. Isaiah responded to what he saw and heard by repenting for himself and his people. Standing in the very presence of God he realized how lowly he was. In that moment, the coal touch his lips and absolved him of his sin. No wonder he has the faith to say “yes” to God without asking for the details. He had seen the Lord’s face, power and grace, and that gave him the great faith to respond without question. We might think that we would have made the same decision in that moment, and we very well might have. But if we really think about it, we have had our own similar moment that should prompt the same faith in us.

The moment that I received Christ’s salvation and became born again I stepped into the shoes of Isaiah. I knelt in the presence of God before his throne, and I received absolution. I heard the voices of a thousand angels, and I have seen the face of God in many who walk this earth. I should have the faith of Isaiah after what I have seen of God, and so should you. Father, increase in us our understanding of your glory and your grace, that we would recognize that we have been in your presence, and that our faith would be increased because we have seen You and known You.