S23P3- The abundant life: peace

Jn. 16:33

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

There are some areas of the world in which it seems that war has always existed and will never cease.  In these areas of the world generations strive for peace to no avail.  Conflict and turmoil have become the norm, and those who live in those areas know no other way of life.  Peace might seem like a pipe dream, a mirage.  It may very well be considered simply a fairy tale that will never come true.  For some people, this is their spiritual reality.  Without Jesus, there is no peace to be had.

When Jesus speaks of his brand of peace, He’s speaking of something that is truly foreign to humankind.  Our version of peace is dependent on emotions and circumstances.  Our version of peace takes into account the external influences on our lives.  The version of peace that Jesus Christ offers is the antithesis of this.  In fact, He lets us know that life will be filled with unfavorable circumstances.  Despite this, He will give us peace.  He does not provide an escape from the troubles that the world will bring, but He provides perfect peace in the midst of those troubles.  There is a very real spiritual war going on around us, and we are soldiers in that war.  With the grace of God, we can stand in peace in the midst of that war.

In the natural world of man, one cannot have war and peace simultaneously.  In God’s spiritual world, we need the peace of Jesus Christ to continue fighting through this war.  We are not promised a life without hardship, but we are promised comfort to get through that hardship.  It is a privilege and a necessity to have access to the brand of peace that Jesus Christ gives us.  Without it, we could not succeed in our walk of faith.  Father, thank You that your Son makes available to us an abundant peace that is beyond all understanding, and give us the wisdom to rest in that peace during our troubles in this world.