S26P3 – Our future in Christ: at home

John 14:2‭-‬4
In My Father’s house are many dwelling places. If it were not so, I would have told you, because I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and I will take you to Myself, so that where I am you may be also. And [to the place] where I am going, you know the way.”

Before salvation, I thought I had it all figured out. From the outside looking in it appeared that I had a good head on my shoulders. I had a good job, a nice place to live and a decent car. I was working on finishing my education, and I was doing it all with a smile on my face. Then one day I had a dream that revealed to me how I actually felt inside. In this dream, I had been evicted from my apartment with no job, no money, no car and no one to help me. I was left alone with nowhere to go and no one who cared. I remember awaking from that short dream with a real sense of being lost without a home. I believe God gave me that dream to show me the condition of my soul at that time. It was lost. More than that, I gained a sense of what it feels like to have no home and no support in this world. In Christ, however, there will be a day when we are all securely home.

A home is not merely a place. Home carries with it a certain feeling and a certain comfort. After a long journey, it feels good to be home. We often spend our days at work or at school just waiting for that time when we can go home. Home is where we have our meals and get our rest. When we feel under the weather, we just want to stay home. For many of us, home means security and provision. If we take all these wonderful things we feel when we think of home and increase them exponentially, perhaps we can start approaching the feeling we will have once we are home with Jesus Christ in his Father’s house. That home is a place where we will want for nothing. There will be no worry, no hunger, no fear and no loneliness. The future home that we will share with our savior will be full of peace, tranquility, contentment and provision. We are not at home in this world, but we certainly will feel at home in the Father’s house.

How wonderful it will be to live an existence in which there are no cares! This is certainly difficult for us to imagine as even those of us who appear to have it all still worry about something. In this world, there are always concerns and issues. This is a place of perpetual imperfection. Because our understanding of home is limited by imperfection, the place that Jesus Christ has prepared for us is beyond imagination. Arriving there will be the realization of the home we did not even know we had been missing. Father, thank You that your Son is preparing a truly perfect home for us in your house, and have your Spirit remind us of this promise at those times when we do not feel at home in this world.