S31P1 – The disciples’ lessons: Peter

Matt. 14:28‭-‬32
Peter replied to Him, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” He said, “Come!” So Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was frightened, and he began to sink, and he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus extended His hand and caught him, saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased.

Some of us tend to call things impossible when they are merely improbable or unlikely. This could be because of dramatics or because an obstacle simply seems that insurmountable. A person might think attaining their dream job is impossible. The truth is that this is completely possible given the right circumstances. It might not happen for that person, but it could happen. There is no rule or law preventing it. An impossibility is something that has no chance of occurring. Many times our faith challenges us to believe in the improbable or the unlikely, and that can be difficult enough for us. But how often are we actually challenged to believe in the impossible? That was the challenge before Peter when he stepped out on the water to meet Jesus.

One of the most interesting things about this scene is that Peter invited the challenge to show his faith in the impossible. He did not wait for Jesus to ask him to come out onto the water, but he took the initiative of proposing it himself. And he actually walked on the water for at least a few steps, but then something happened. The physical reality of the situation began to challenge his faith. Any man knows that he cannot walk on water without some kind of miraculous intervention. Illusionists might pretend to do this, but we know it is only a trick. Peter became a realist in that moment, and the danger that surrounded him overwhelmed him. His doubt in the impossible thing he was experiencing became his downfall. That is when he began to sink. But for a brief time of faith he actually walked on water, and that which was physically impossible became his reality.

When we read this story, let us not focus on how much or how little faith Peter exhibited. Let us forget that his faith ebbed and flowed. Let us simply consider what he was able to do when he put complete faith in the miracle-making power of God. When the impossible occurs at the hands of God, it is proof that this physical world is at his mercy. He reigns over all, and his power cannot be subdued. No wind, no wave, no person, no government, no institution can fight against the will of God. If nothing is impossible for him, then nothing is impossible for us. And if faith can make the impossible happen, then faith can surely make the unlikely and improbable happen. Father, thank You that everything is possible for You, and increase our faith that You can make the impossible happen for us.