S45P6 – Notes on discipleship: equipped for life

2 Tim. 3:16-17

All Scripture is God-breathed and is profitable for instruction, for conviction, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be complete and proficient, outfitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work.

The goal was to build a house. He started by driving around and seeing the kinds of architecture that appeal to him. He looked at photograph after photograph of furniture and artwork and cabinetry. He watched shows on landscape design and picked out a pool and trees and a pavilion that he liked. It was all coming together in his mind. He could envision the dream home and the dream property that would be his one day. So he went to the store and started to pick out lumber and plumbing and masonry. He picked out light fixtures and flooring and wallpaper. However, there was a problem. He was not a builder or an architect or a designer. Although he knew what he wanted in a home, he had no idea how to make it a reality. He was not equipped to build this house.

There are many people in the world running around trying to scramble together the lives they envision. Although all of these lives look different, the goal for each is perfection. The problem that many people encounter is that they are not equipped to design their lives. We may want to live well, but we have no idea how to do that on our own. It is scripture that gives us guidance and equips us for living well. When we take on the role of teacher, we must understand that discipleship is to be founded in that same scripture. That is the guide, and our teaching must be based on it. God’s design is for us to grow through his word so that we are complete and prepared for every good work that He has for us. We can only do so if we grow in our knowledge of his word.

Practically speaking, we would be fools to attempt to take on a task for which we are not prepared. Building a house requires knowledge of architecture and physics. Treating a sick person requires knowledge of medicine and the human body. Defending a criminal defendant in court requires knowledge of the law and courtroom procedure. These are all serious endeavors which we would not dare undertake without the proper preparation. The same should be true of discipleship. We cannot give someone life guidance without the proper scriptural foundation. Father, we ask You for further revelation of your word and new knowledge and wisdom so that we may be equipped to equip others.