S46P10 – A Father’s heart: extending the birthright

John 1:12-13

But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.

She entered the contest like everyone else, hoping to win but expecting to be disappointed.  When she received the call, she just about burst.  Not only would she win a tour of the palace for her and a friend, but she would be invited to attend the state dinner on that night.  Entering the grounds on that day something was very clear.  There was one gate for some but another gate or others.  While some were escorted through security, others simply made their way without even checking in.  This was the difference between privilege and right.  Those who were granted the privilege of entrance for this single purpose were watched closely and could lose that privilege at any time.  Those with a right to be there were in essence at home and could come and go freely.

We cannot underscore the importance of the “way” that Jesus has made for us.  Today’s scripture tells us that the right of Christ, the only begotten Son of God, to be called a child of his, has been imputed on those who receive him as their Savior.  This is not a temporary pass or license.  What we may see as a privilege, and certainly it is a privilege to be part of God’s family, is a position to which we become entitled when we believe in Jesus Christ.  When we follow him, we have the same verifiable claim that He has to call himself God’s child.  Not only that, but we now can present ourselves in the Father’s throne room not as mere visitors with a temporary pass but as sons and daughters who have a right to be there.  We can be at home in God’s presence with access to him both day and night.

When we are born into this world we have no birthright to the kingdom of God.  Our natural birth can provide no rights other than those set by man.  When we are spiritually reborn the story changes.  The birthright that belongs to God’s only Son is passed down to us through him.  We then have the right to call ourselves his children, approach his throne in confidence, abide in his presence always, petition him for help, and walk in his power and authority.  This right to be called God’s children should affect every part of our existence because it carries with it that which Jesus carried when He walked on Earth.  Father, thank You for the grace that gives us the right to be called your own.