S51P6 – Notes on godliness: living above the noise

1 Tim. 2:1-4

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Some would say the kid could not be blamed because he was only practicing what he had seen.  He noticed that those who received the most attention were the ones who created controversy and lived life loudly.  There was a part of him that did not want to remain in the background but wanted to be known.  Unfortunately, no price was too high for him to pay for that attention.  In conversation, he would take whatever position would shock others and elicit gasps.  In school, he had to be the clown regardless of who paid the expense of his humor. At home, he had to be the one who always went against the family grain.  What he craved was man’s attention for himself instead of seeking to bring the focus to God.  What he gained was notoriety and a series of crumbling friendships.

Living in a godly manner means that we live in quiet peacefulness.  This does not mean that we clam up when it comes time to defend our Lord and stand for his truth and his righteousness.  This does not mean that we stay silent when those who cannot defend themselves are in need of justice.  This does not mean that we do not have individual personalities and senses of humor.  This does mean, however, that we are not the loud and brash people who cannot seem to get enough of the world’s attention.  We do not revel in controversy or argument.  Our existence here is for the purposes of God, and it is our job to bring people’s focus to him.  Looking at the world today, what a great testimony it is to be able to live a quiet and peaceful life in the midst of the chaos around us.  The world cannot help but tell that we are different when we forgo seeking attention for ourselves and instead work to bring attention to our heavenly Father.

Living a godly life means living a life that speaks of dignity.  We count the cost when we act and we speak, and we make sure that our intentions are noble.  We do not ruffle others’ feathers just for reaction or attention.  We do not follow the world’s example and act foolishly or recklessly simply because we can think we can gain something here from that.  It is not for us to seek attention for ourselves or to seek the world’s accolades and friendship.  We understand that this life is not about us, and we do not work for our elevation.  Our goal is for the peacefulness of our lives to reflect the peace that God imparts to us. Father, we ask that You help us live the quiet, dignified lives that You expect and require from those who profess to be godly.