S64P7 – Just Psalms: the world set right

Psa. 98:5-9

Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre, with the lyre and the sound of melody! With trumpets and the sound of the horn make a joyful noise before the King, the Lord! Let the sea roar, and all that fills it; the world and those who dwell in it! Let the rivers clap their hands; let the hills sing for joy together before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with equity.

The scriptures tells us that we are aliens in this world. We are citizens of heaven, spiritual beings who have placed ourselves under God’s authority above the authorities of the world.  I know the feeling of being an alien in a strange land where one does not know the culture or the language. Communication can be very difficult, and it is a challenge to understand simple customs or traditions without someone there to explain and interpret.  It is the very thing that I feel walking through the world as I live in it while not being of it.  Many times I wonder how things can be the way they are, so different from the godliness we learn from our Father.  My great solace is that not only will my sufferings be set right, but someday God will set the entire world right.

One day, our Lord and Savior will return and rule for a time on this Earth. [Rev. 20] This will be a period of God’s kingdom spiritually and physically overtaking this place in righteous judgement.  We have seen how man rules this planet, and it seems foreign to us because the Spirit of God is absent from that type of rule.  We see and experience the inequity in man’s judgment, but we can rest assured that Jesus will show us how to rule correctly.  We will no longer question the authority over us in this world because it will be holy and just.  Imagine a world where no one is in need, where political leanings do not exist, where fear is no longer a weapon wielded in the name of power. That is a place where we will not be aliens.

When Christ rules the Earth in righteousness and judgment, we will feel at home here.  It will no longer be a place which causes us to shake our heads and look to the sky begging God for answers to the mayhem we see around us.  God will judge the nations and their people righteously, and the Son will set up his just kingdom to show man what the world should and always was meant to look like.  Today, we can only act and pray to inject righteousness into an unrighteous world, but it does not end there.  In God’s justice, He will make this creation our home, a righteous and just world.  Father, help us to navigate and endure the injustices in this world by relying on your promise to set right all inequity and ungodliness in time.