S121P2 – The Savior’s many faces: the bright young man

Lk. 2:45‭-‬47

So when they did not find Him, they returned to Jerusalem, seeking Him. Now so it was that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers.

If we ever wondered why the other kids had a hard time relating to him, it took only one conversation to know the answer.  This boy was different but in a good way.  From all outward appearances still a child, but there was an inquisitive wisdom about him that could not be found in many decades older than he.  This boy had a thirst for knowledge that could not be quenched or hidden.  There was a seriousness to his search for truth that the other kids could not understand because they were more concerned with having fun and being kids.  Yes, it seemed like he had a clear mission from such a young age.

The young man Jesus knew his calling from early on.  We are not given details regarding his personal relationship with the Father when he was a young man.  We do not know how much time He spent in prayer or studying the scriptures, but we do know that He was a different kid than the others.  He shared an intimacy with the Father that drove him not only to learn the secrets of this faith from an early age, but He also shared things no one expected him to know.  It shows us that the availability of God’s wisdom and knowledge is not reserved for those of a certain age or level of education.  The child who hungers and thirsts for God’s knowledge and wisdom will be satisfied.

I have to smile when I think of the young man Jesus teaching the teachers and their being amazed by him.  I have no doubt in my mind that they did not expect that.  They came from a culture in which the expectation was for students to learn from their teachers and children to learn from their mothers and fathers.  Jesus showed up, and He flipped that script.  The opportunity to know the Lord in a deep and meaningful way, and to learn his secrets, is available to those who seek him no matter how young or old.  Look to develop the young men and women in your life who show this spiritual appetite.  Father, raise up a mighty youthful army that is prepared to tear down the world’s knowledge and wisdom by learning and using yours.