S186P9 – A promise is a promise: this home will be forgotten

Isa. 65:17-18

For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former shall not be remembered or come to mind.  But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create; for behold, I create Jerusalem as a rejoicing, and her people a joy.

It was the only home he had ever known.  He was only nine years old, so his world was very small.  Life consisted of school, his friends and his bike.  The park down the street was pretty much his second home, and his favorite thing to do was catch fireflies at night.  This simple life meant so much to someone so young, and it all was turned upside down when his parents told him they decided to move.  It broke his little heart, and the tears began to flow.  The move would make life better for them, but all he could see was what he was about to lose.  He was not old enough to understand that life was not meant to be confined to that single place and time.  One day, he would not even remember that house or that street or that park.   

Despite all the unpleasant things in this world, there is a lot to appreciate and enjoy here.  We all have our favorite things to do and places to go, our favorite meals to eat.  We might say that certain activities or luxuries really keep us going, that we never could live without them.  There are some who will not consider that there could be a life beyond this world because they think what they have here is so magnificent that nothing else could surpass it, but they are mistaken.  No matter what incredible experiences we have in this life, we have an awesome promise before us.  One day, those who love God will see a place so unbelievable that we will forget everything we ever knew here.  God has in store for us an existence so rich and indescribable that it will extinguish even our most cherished natural memories. 

The scriptures describe many times and in many ways the future which awaits us in eternity, but it still will be a surprise.  Our human words cannot fully capture what God has prepared for us.  No eye has seen, and no ear has heard the marvelous things which await the children of God.  Ours is a destiny beyond any current comprehension, and that is a promise.  We have something so great ahead that our present shadow of a life will fade and not be seen in the light of that place.  We cannot fear leaving here or consider what we lose here because none of that can compare to the glory which awaits us.  Father, thank You for the incredible things You do in this life now, and we look forward to the indescribable world You have waiting for us then.