S215P2 – Warnings against foolishness: each is accountable
Pro. 9:10-12
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. For by me your days will be multiplied, and years of life will be added to you. If you are wise, you are wise for yourself, and if you scoff, you will bear it alone.
Standing on the platform, he looked for train thirty-three. He had been told that train would get him home. Everyone there was going home, and there were many other trains, and many more people were waiting for those. He thought he might have been told the wrong one, so he listened for the next announcement. As the woman’s voice gave the destination for each train, he noticed something odd. Each one had the same destination, which was nowhere. Only his number thirty-three had the destination of home. He tried to tell the other travelers that none of them were going anywhere, but they would not listen. They simply followed the masses onto the trains to nowhere, reassuring him that they knew their way home.
No one creates his or her own wisdom. Wisdom begins only with the Lord. We are not talking about the world’s wisdom or financial shrewdness. This is about wisdom which brings spiritual reward. It is only through God’s Spirit and his word that we are made wise. This is wisdom that is there for all to hear and read if they only seek it and heed it. For the one who knocks, the door will be opened. For the one who seeks, the treasure will be found. [Mt. 7:7] Those who have this wisdom are commanded to share it with others and bring it to their attention, but the burden is upon the listener to actually listen. The one who scoffs at the good news cannot blame the message or the messenger for deciding to follow the news delivered by another.
When all is said and done, a person’s wisdom can benefit only that person. Likewise, one’s foolishness bears dark fruit only for that one. Each of us has an equal opportunity to find and keep wisdom. We are born fools, and we are held accountable if we decide to revel in our foolishness. The warning signs are clear for those who are watching and listening. The truth is not hidden from those who search for it. Mercy and life await those who pursue wisdom. Judgment and death await those who love their folly. None has an excuse for missing out on the good news of Christ. Father, help us teach this truth to the lost people we know, and let us see some turn from their foolishness to your wisdom.