S216P4 – Psalms of promise: a very present help

Psa. 46:1-3

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling.

The brothers had ventured to that land for one purpose.  They knew of the oppression under which those people lived, even if those people were oblivious to their condition.  The beginning of their trip went as planned.  The brothers got to know some who lived in the village they were visiting, and they told them about the freedoms they enjoyed in their own land.  However, they did not get very far into their mission of enlightenment before being arrested as propagandists.  Being alone in that land, their concern was real, but one phone call home would change it all.  Their father was a diplomat, and he had power even in his physical absence.  He only had to make the request, and the brothers were free to go back home. 

We have a mission to complete here, and that is to share the good news of the gospel message with those who are lost in the world.  As we do that work, we will encounter trouble.  We are to expect trials and tribulations, clear opposition to our good work.  Yet, we are not to be troubled by this.  He might not be visible, and we might not hear him or feel him, but the Lord is always present.  When we need him, He is there.  Things might appear to be incredibly bad for us, but we still are not alone.  We will experience troubles that would drive others screaming with fear, but we need not fear.  There is no limit to the power of the Lord’s help.  It is enough in all circumstances. 

The picture painted in this passage is pretty dire.  If we were to experience what is actually described here, doubtless all would consider it a pretty frightening event.  The examples we are given about the kinds of trouble which should not alarm us are pretty extreme, and that is for a reason.  The point is that nothing should shake us.  Whatever trouble we can imagine, we are expected to have the same confidence in God’s help, the same faith in his delivering power.  It might not be easy, but we can get to the place where we live this boldly all the time.  Father, increase our faith and confidence in your delivering power, and help us to live with no fear of the troubles that will come our way.