S216P8 – Psalms of promise: the Lord is aware

Psa. 121:1-4

I lift up my eyes to the hills.  From where does my help come?  My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.  He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber.  Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

It had been a relatively normal day at city hall except he was feeling a little unwell.  When the mayor got home that night, he decided to take some cold medicine and head to bed.  The medicine had him sleeping very soundly, and he awoke much later than he had anticipated.  It was well into the next afternoon when he opened his eyes.  The first thing he did, which was the first thing he always did, was reach for his phone.  He could not believe the number of missed text messages and calls he had waiting for him.  As he reviewed these, it became clear that he had slept through quite an event.  A small and uncharacteristic earthquake had hit his town, and it terrified many, but he was completely unaware that anyone was looking for him or asking for his help. 

Chances are pretty good that all of us have experienced events in life and have wondered where God was through it all.  Perhaps we are struggling financially and praying for relief, but it does not come.  We might ask God if He is aware of what we are enduring.  Maybe we are suffering through difficult relationships or are having trouble finding a solid church fellowship.  We seek help and comfort for many things, and sometimes it seems like God is completely unaware of our plight.  It is one of those instances when we must reject appearances and accept the plain truth.  We serve a God who does not sleep.  He does not get distracted or turn his head and somehow miss what is happening in our lives.  He sees and knows it all.  

Not only is God aware of everything, but He is available at all times.  There is no schedule to follow when we pray.  We can reach out to him whenever we need him.  He is always available, and that will never change.  Whether we are enduring hardship or temptation, He is available.  We never need to ask him if He sees our struggles and our pain.  We only need to ask him for the comfort and provision that we seek.  The way it looks is not always the way it is.  The plain truth is that we serve a God who is ever present, ever knowing, and ever ready.  Father, thank You for always being there for us, and help us to focus on that truth when circumstances tell us otherwise and try to lead us to doubt.