S220P3 – Signs of a king: legacies left and followed

2 Kgs. 22:1-2

Josiah was eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned thirty-one years in Jerusalem.  His mother’s name was Jedidah the daughter of Adaiah of Bozkath.  And he did what was right in the eyes of the LORD and walked in all the way of David his father, and he did not turn aside to the right or to the left.

Family legacies passed down through the generations can have a powerful impact in many ways.  Anyone who comes from a family famous for its history or tradition can attest to this.  Knowing that a person is in the lineage of a certain group can create expectations of that person.  For example, a wealthy philanthropist who encourages the same behavior in his children will create a legacy of wealth generously given for the benefit of society.  Those born in that family might be expected to have wealth and do the same with it.  Considering how the Jews viewed their King David, Josiah would have had some high expectations to meet.

To walk in David’s footsteps means to be a man after God’s own heart. [1Sam. 13:14]  It lets us know that Josiah completed everything God had purposed for him to complete.  Not only did he behave according to what was expected of a son of King David, but he did what was expected of a son of the most high God.  Josiah did what was right in the eyes of the one whose opinion matters.  He walked according to the ways of the earthly king who was his father as well as the heavenly king who is also his Father.  For me, this shines a new light on the statement calling Jesus the son of David.  It speaks not only of his prophetic fulfillment of coming from that lineage but also of what we can expect of him.

Now that we are spiritual descendants of the King of Kings and co-heirs of his inheritance with him, it is for us to carry on his legacy.  That legacy includes the righteous obedience of the Father, generosity, lovingkindness, a call to repentance, and so much more.  We also contend in the Spirit continually to defeat the enemy who already is under our feet.  Over time, it is for us to pass along this legacy to our natural and spiritual children.  As Josiah was focused on bringing that great reform to God’s people [2Kgs. 23], we should be as well.  Father, help us daily to carry on the spiritual legacy of your Son the King, leading others in love to repentance and a right relationship with You.