S226P5 – The power of the blood: an assignment of value

Acts 20:28-31

Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.  I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them.  Therefore be alert, remembering that for three years I did not cease night or day to admonish every one with tears.

Jesus told a short parable about a man who found a treasure in a field.  So great was his joy at finding that treasure, that he covered it and sold all he had so that he could buy that field. [Mt. 13:44]  In this parable, the treasure is the kingdom of heaven.  Jesus is explaining exactly how precious finding that kingdom should be to every believer.  Every person who walks by that field and fails to find that treasure sees that land as just a field.  It is not special or valuable.  The point of this parable takes on a totally different meaning when we realize that the Church was purchased by the Lord’s blood.  The world is the field, and the Church is its treasure, and Jesus gave all He had to have us.

It can be too common for us to look at the billions of people hurrying to-and-fro in this world and fail to see much value.  We see violence, egotism, defiance of the Lord, the reigning of sin, and so many other problems that hope for change seems elusive for so many.  They seem too far gone.  Yet, the very Lord who is defied by so much evil and hated by so many saw value in the people of this world.  He gave his life because He loves us. [Jn. 3:16]  While God never had to prove his love for us, He did something that certainly does just that.  He spotted the hidden treasure buried in the field, so He bought the field at the only price high enough to seal that deal.  He bought us back from death with his  life. 

If you ever questioned the love of God for his Church, just read the Song of Solomon.  The dedication, the longing, the passion all should illustrate to you how deep his love is for us.  This is not a love of words but a love of action, so He committed the greatest act of love ever, and He loves the entire world, too.  The blood that was spilled in order to obtain us is invaluable; no man can assign a price to it.  Accordingly, that which was purchased with this blood carries the same value.  No one would pay more than what he thinks his purchase is worth.  Father, thank You for the most generous gift of sacrifice, for loving us enough to pay the ultimate price to have us with You.