S228P10 – When God’s people pray: they confirm his voice

Mt. 18:18-20

Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.

My entry into this Christian faith certainly was blessed with favor.  The Lord made sure that I was surrounded by strong people of faith who could lead me and teach me.  Although I grew up in a fundamentalist environment, there were certain critical elements of faith which were not practiced.  It was not until I became saved that I was exposed to group prayer for the first time.  One thing I learned from those prayer meetings was how to pray—how to address the Father and commune with him.  The other thing I learned was how to be led in prayer by others who hear from God just as I hear from God.  It was in those meetings that I learned just what it means to agree in prayer. 

I remember early on in these prayer meetings being amazed when two or more of us would speak of God giving us the same direction or focus for our prayers.  It was shocking that people whom I had not even seen since our last meeting were thinking and feeling the same as I.  It is now almost two decades later, and I no longer am shocked by this.  I still am amazed at God’s faithfulness in giving my brothers and sisters the same vision He has given me, but that is now the standard.   Praying in agreement is not simply agreeing to pray for what another person decides to pray.  This is really about individuals who are united in the Spirit and receiving the same prompting from the Spirit to pray according to God’s will.  They already are agreed before they share what is on their hearts because they agree with God.

There are times when I have been in church and wondered whether I have heard from God.  Then, a voice in the room starts to say what he or she has heard from God, and that gives me my answer.  It is a valuable exercise for us corporately and individually to come together and share the things God has laid on our hearts to lift up to him in prayer.  It encourages the body to know that He leads us in unity just as his word states.  It encourages the individual to know that he or she truly hears from God clearly.  There is power in group prayer, and that is why He leads us in this way.  Father, make us people who seek opportunities to pray united in the Spirit with our brothers and sisters and in agreement with You.