Dive Deeper
Gracious prophecy fulfilled
One of the clearest and most compelling statements made by Jesus was that He did not come to abolish the law and the prophets but to fulfill them. [Mt. 5:17-20] This statement should have perked the listeners’ ears and made them look for how He could fulfill prophecy. We know now that Jesus fulfilled hundreds…
Read MoreThe immutable God
There are many things which distinguish our one true God from the plethora of false gods out there. Whether his love, his mercy, his truth or anything else about him, the biggest distinction from other gods is his permanence. He is the God who endures, and everything about him endures as well. His precepts never…
Read MoreChrist’s supremacy
There is something special about being the firstborn Son of God. Jesus Christ holds a coveted place not in all creation but above all creation. It is important to make that distinction if we are to get to the root of his supremacy. This is the One who was able to accomplish all that we could not, and He…
Read MoreThe Nebuchadnezzar method
A key figure in the story of Daniel is King Nebuchadnezzar, a man who wanted to be revered and worshipped for his might and glory. He was a ruler who truly believed himself to be godlike. We learn a lot about this man through the story of Daniel, and it is a lesson for us…
Read MoreTestimonies of this faith
When we think about the word testimony, many of us might think about a court of law. We know enough about the legal process‒even if we have no professional tie to it‒to know that a large part of evidence given during trial is the testimony of witnesses. We have the classic scene of an individual…
Read MoreGiven over
As we watch the tug-of-war between good and evil over the souls of humanity, the battle between flesh and spirit, between truth and a lie, the result is based on choice. Each of us has a decision to make, but that does not mean that we always have an option to change our decision. The…
Read MoreThe heart according to Jesus
The word of God tells us that the sickness of the human heart is such that no person can understand it. [Jer. 17:9] We can take this scripture to mean that it is impossible to understand the workings of the spiritual heart in a general sense. Or, we can take it to mean that it…
Read MoreGod-like
History is replete with people who have idolized themselves and tried to be gods. We also have seen those who claim to be Christ returned. In fact, we have several false Christs walking the Earth today in Asia and Australia. Although we are to emulate the character of God, to be transformed to his likeness…
Read MoreThe revelation of God’s righteousness
Years ago, I watched a superhero movie with a rather unique premise. A wizard in another dimension was suffering through old age and looking for a successor. His search took him to Earth, where he was charged with finding a child who is pure of heart. He searched for some time but could find none.…
Read MoreFrom facts to faith
I remember being new to Christianity and having a million questions I never had before. There was a lot to learn, and some of it was difficult for me to understand or imagine as being so. The first time I went to a Sunday service I thought that everyone in there surely was a Christian. …
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